DRUMS OF THE DEEP(50% off - summer sale)
Original drums used regularly in major film scores... now at your fingertips...
Over 27GB of top quality content
Five microphone positions, to blend you own personal sound
• Bigger than ever, with up to eight drummer ensembles recorded
Over 20,000 samples included
• Over 50 instruments recorded to create this library. Patch list: Eight Drum Army (Taikos and Gran Casas), Field Drums, Frame Drums, Gran Casas 1, Gran Casas 2, Huge Toms, Rope Tension, Drums, Surdos, Taikos, Taikos ALTMIX, Timpani Ensemble
Stephen Barton,
(composer: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Titanfall, Titanfall 2)
"Cannot recommend Auddict’s libraries highly enough"
Audio Demos

Take a listen below to some of the stunning audio demos created using this library. (MORE COMING SOON)

Video Demos
Drums of the Deep Vol.1

Earth-Shuddering Collection of Sampled Drums - for Kontakt 4 and Above (Retail Version Only, not Free Kontakt Player)

Auddict is extremely happy to present "Drums of the Deep", a collection of drums ranging from small to earth-shudderingly huge. A number of the drums we recorded are originals used regularly on major film scores, and now you can have these exact instruments at your fingertips!

Many many microphones were used to ensure we did not miss out a single quality that these magnificent instruments had to offer. This library includes two versions of each drum - a seven mic position version, and a three mic position version.

The three mic position version is our own professional produced version, with a CLOSE, MID and FAR perspective, each carefully produced from a number of mics placed around the drums by us, in a manner that really brings out the character of each instrument.

The seven mic position option is different, in the sense that it includes seven direct mic feeds (un-produced), with perspectives in order from close to distant, so that you can also go deeper into the sound than just three perspectives, and carefully tailor the sound to your purposes.

Full list of included drums:

Taiko 60"
Taiko 28"
Deep Bass Drum
Verdi Bass Drum
Ship Bell

Round-Robins, Dynamics and other Specs

Each instrument was sampled to ensure the realized music/playback is as natural and versatile as possible, so dynamic layers are numerous (up to seven) as are round robins (up to seven per dynamic layer).

This library is 12GB in size, so you will need at least 24GB of free hard drive space to extract the downloaded rar files after purchase.


BUY NOW $180

"Cannot recommend Auddict’s libraries highly enough"

Stephen Barton (composer: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Titanfall, Titanfall 2)


This instrument requires the FULL VERSION of Kontakt 4, or above (so it will also run in Kontakt 5 perfectly). The full version of Kontakt 4, is not the free "Kontakt Player", it is the full retail version which can be purchased from Native-Instruments' website.

Requires approx 60GB of space for installation (zipped and extracted files)

All prices shown are excluding VAT and/or other applicable sales taxes. These will be added during the checkout process.


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